

Do your Czech taxes right

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This article follows our video about the same topic (how to do your taxes right) and it should give you a way to check if your accountant is doing his/her job properly. This is specifically important for non-EU citizens who have their visa/residence permit (read more about the difference here) based on their income (i.e.

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Life in Prague, Visa

Obligatory adaptation and integration courses for foreigners in the Czech Republic from 1.1.2021

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As introduced with the latest change of the immigration law in 2019, from 1.1.2021 new obligatory adaptation and integration courses came into effect. As always, everything is still pretty confusing and it will take time before it all settles down but here are at least the basic official information related to the Obligatory adaptation and

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Flat rental in Prague after COVID

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Renting a flat in Prague used to be super easy until a few years ago. It became extremely complicated after that for many reasons. How is it now after COVID? Read on and find out what you should expect when looking for a flat rental in Prague now. Flat rentals in Prague Until 2015 -ish

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New Compensation Bonus – 19 500 CZK for freelancers


After the 25 000 CZK compensation bonus for freelancers in the Czech Republic we wrote about here:, the government has already approved an additional support in amount of 19 500 CZK for the period from May 1 till June 8. Read on to find out how to easily apply for this additional bonus. Who

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Povolení k přechodnému pobytu rodinného příslušníka občana EU

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Povolení k přechodnému pobytu rodinného příslušníka občana EU je nejlepší a nejsilnější typ povolení k pobytu, který může cizinec stěhující se do ČR získat. Garantuje mu volný vstup na trh práce, obnovuje se pouze jednou za pět let, dává cizinci volnost. Pojďme se nyní podívat na to, jak povolení k přechodnému pobytu rodinného příslušníka občana

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25 000 CZK support for freelancer – How to fill in the online application form


This guide shows you how to fill in the online application form for the 25 000 CZK governmental support for freelancers affected by the COVID-19 situation (so called “kompenzační bonus pro OSVČ” – “compensation bonus for freelancers”. If you tried to download the pdf application form and submit it via e-mail (please read our guide

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Oznámení o nástupu do zaměstnání

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Oznámení o nástupu cizince do zaměstnání je povinen podávat každý zaměstnavatel, který zaměstnává cizince. Nezáleží přitom, zda se jedná o cizince ze zemí EU či ze zemí mimo EU. Jak oznámení o nástupu cizince do zaměstnání podat, na co nezapomenout a čeho se naopak vyvarovat shrnuje článek níže. Oznámení o nástupu cizince do zaměstnání – kdo podává, jak a

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Family Reunification – Long-Term Residence Permit

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This article about Long-Term Residence Permit with the purpose of family reunification is meant for those foreigners who live in the Czech Republic under a Long-Term Visa with the purpose of family reunification and want to extend their stay. In specific cases also for the ones who will be applying for the Family Reunification Residence

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