
25 000 CZK support for freelancer – How to fill in the online application form

This guide shows you how to fill in the online application form for the 25 000 CZK governmental support for freelancers affected by the COVID-19 situation (so called “kompenzační bonus pro OSVČ” – “compensation bonus for freelancers”.

If you tried to download the pdf application form and submit it via e-mail (please read our guide about that here) and it did not work out or you just prefer doing this online (in Czech only though), this guide explains how to fill in the application online.

 Who qualifies for the support?

We describe this in details in our blog here but since you most likely came from that blog, let’s just sum up the main points below:

  • your trade license was active before March 12 when the state of emergency started
  • your business has been negatively affected by the COVID situation (you had to close down, you had a significant decrease of business, etc.).

If you meet the above mentioned criteria, let’s jump directly to filling in the form.

 How to fill in the online application form?

The online form can be reached through the website of the Tax Office here. The page where you get looks like this:

25 000 CZK bonus opening screen

The form is pre-set for a full support of 25  000 CZK for the period from 12.3.2020 till 30.4.2020. If you wanted to receive a smaller amount (i.e. because you for example started getting the unemployment support from April 1), you can easily change the dates by clicking on the calendar field there.

We guess most of you will go for the full support anyway in which case you do not have to do anything else and just click on the “ÚDAJE O DAŇOVÉM SUBJEKTU” field:

Opening screen - 25 000 CZK bonus 2nd

That click gets you to a page where you can fill in your Trade License/Business number (IC). Your IC is an eight digit number which can be found on your trade license.

Fill in your business number

Once you filled in your IC number into the green field below, click on orange field named “DOPLNIT DLE IČ”. This should fill in some of the empty fields. Mainly your full name and address.

Fill in your IC

You need to fill in your TAX number now. This is the 12 digit number which you got from the tax office when registering there. It looks like this “CZ1234567891”.

Add your Czech phone number into the “Telefon” field.
Add your e-mail address into the “E-mail” field.
Add your date of birth (in the Czech way of DD.MM.YYYY) to the “Datum narození” field.
Add the name of your Czech bank (i.e. Raiffeisen Bank, Česká spořitelna, Komerční banka or Equa Bank) into the “Účet vedený u” field.
Add your Czech bank account number into the “Číslo účtu” field.
Add the bank code into the “Kód banky” field.

Filled form

Once the form is completed (better check it twice 🙂 ), click the “ÚDAJE K PODÁNÍ” field.

Next window

You just need to fill in the details about your tax office here. The “Finančnímu úřadu pro” field stands for the region you live in. For example, if you live in Prague, you choose “hlavní město Prahu”, if you live in Brno, you choose “Jihomoravský kraj”. The “Územnímu pracovišti v, ve, pro:” stands for the district where you live. For example, if you live in Prague 3, you choose “Prahu 3”. The simplest way to do this right is to fill in the same details as you have in your registration letter from the Tax Office or the same information your accountant filled into your tax return this year.

“Tuto žádost podává” field stands for “who is submitting this application”. It is pre-set for “Já osobně” which means “Me personally”. Leave this field as it is 🙂

Tax Office information

Once completed, click the “ČESTNÉ PROHLÁŠENÍ” button.

Click this

Clicking the above button takes you to page with a sworn statement. You state here that you qualify for the bonus. If you do, just check your data (it should be automatically filled in) and click the “PODAT” button.

Sworn statement 2

This button takes you a page where you can download a pdf version of the filled form which also shows the possible ways of submitting the form to the tax office. Click the biggest blue button there and download the filled in form.

Download form

The dowloaded form looks like shown below. Print it now and fill in the missing details:
“V” stands for the place where you signed the form, i.e. if you signed the form in Prague, you write “Praha” or “Praze” (we do strange things to words in Czech language – “Praha” will be fine 🙂 ). In the example below shown in orange.
“Dne” stands for date when you signed the form. Example below in red.
“Podpis” stands for your signature – sign the form there. Example below in green.
form downloaded

Once you have the completed form with the place, date and your signature, you just need to deliver it to the correct Tax Office. You can do it in the following ways:

– in person – just bring the printed and signed form to the Tax Office responsible for your area. The address of the responsible Tax Office should be automatically generated in the pdf you downloaded in the previous step. You can also mail it to the Tax Office.

In person

– via e-mail – we believe this is the easiest option for most people, you just need to follow some basic rules. First of all, the form must also be printed and signed (and then scanned or taken photo of). The scanned file (photo) can not be bigger then 4 MB. It must be sent only to the address generated in the file you downloaded (see below), nowhere else! The subject of the email must only say this: “Žádost o kompenzační bonus”.


– via data box – not too many freelancers have the data box so we do not think it is needed to do a guide for it here. In case you want to use this option though, the instructions are also shown in the downloaded file.

And that’s it! You have just submitted your application to receive 25 000 CZK support from the Czech government. There should be no confirmation about them receiving the e-mail/letter but if everything was alright with your application, you should get the money to your bank account directly.

Since it is all fresh, we can not say how long it will take the government to check all the applications and send the money but they promise it will be fast. So, let’s hope for the best 🙂

We hope this guide was useful and we encourage you to share it with your friends and colleagues. If you have any questions or something is not clear, fill in the form on the right or go to Contacts and get in touch. We will be thrilled to help! 🙂 We are all together in this.


    • Thank you very much Shalumba, we are really happy to hear that 🙂 That was what we were aiming for! Stay safe and sane!

    • Thank you very much Ann! We are happy this is helping and such feedback really means a lot to us, keeps us going 🙂

  • Can the 25,000 czk goverment assistance for freelancers be sent to someone else’s bank account?? Because I don’t have a Czech one yet

    • Hi Caleb,

      Thank you for the comment.

      Well, if you trust the person enough, we do not think there is any problem with that. Of course, we do not know how thoroughly they will check everything and how they will send the money (if they need the beneficiary’s name, etc.) but based on how the form is done and based on the official instructions, using someone else’ bank account should be ok.

      Another option for you is to open a bank account now. If you have your visa/residence permit or you are an EU citizen, opening a bank account is a matter of 30 mins and you could have your money sent directly to you 🙂

      We hope this helps!

      Move To Prague – your first friend in Prague

  • Hello, Thanks for the help!

    Is there something I should write in the email apart from the subject as you explained? Or should I leave it blank?

    Thank you

    • Hi Andreas,

      Thank you for that question.

      We have discussed such topics in our livestreams (i.e. here: 25 000 CZK livestream) so you can check those as well.

      In brief though, the official guidelines do not say anything about the body of the e-mail so leaving it blank should be ok as long as the subject line and attachments are fine.

      My personal opinion is that it is always good to write something (at least “Hello, I am sending this application. Thank you, Jan”). If you do that though, please mind that it should be in Czech since very limited amount of people speak English at the Tax Office.

      Get in touch if you need any more info and good luck! 🙂

      Jan on behalf of the whole team 🙂

  • Thank you for the link and all the instructions, really simplified it and after more than an hour trying to find the form online from the main page, it was even more welcome!

    Thanks again

    • Hi Jason,

      Thank you very much for your comment!

      We are happy we could help and we hope you have already received the bonus 🙂

      Stay safe!

      Move To Prague team

  • Jan,

    Once again, thank you for your great work. It was quite helpful and simple to follow.
    You guys are the best!

    • Hi Nuno,

      Thank you very much for your comment! It really means a lot to see that the guide is actually useful 🙂

      Stay safe! 🙂

      Jan on behalf of the whole team

    • Hi Elena,

      Thank you for your comment!

      From our experience (many clients have got the bonus already), it was mainly between 7-10 days 🙂

      Have a great day!

      Move To Prague team

      • Thank you. And what can if I do not receive anything after 10 days of waiting?
        Or maybe they pay randomly and only to the selected people of their choice? If so, it would be very unfair.

  • Hi everyone!

    What information do the authorities need to check to make the payment? 8 days and no money((

    Thank you

    • Hi Elena,

      Thank you very much for your comment.

      If you are still waiting for the payment, maybe try to send us the form you submitted so we can check if everything was filled correctly 🙂

      Hopefully you will receive the payment soon as well!

      Yours, Move To Prague

  • Wow, thank you SO MUCH! That really helped me! I received the money just 5 days after I sent the form to the tax office 🙂

  • Wow, thank you SO MUCH! That helped us a lot! We received the money just 5 days after we sent the form to the tax office. Thanks again 🙂

    • That is wonderful news Eliane! 🙂 We are really happy to hear that and really happy we could help as well 🙂

      Stay safe!

      Yours, Move To Prague

  • Thank you so much fór all the efforts ?you are all doing great job:) I got the money ! That was a big relief:)

    • Thank you for your feedback, Hana! 🙂 We are happy it helped and worked out well for you 🙂

      Have a lovely day!

      Move To Prague team

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