We work with individuals as well as companies. Both have their specifics and special demands (which we can handle easily) but at the end of the day, we always relocate people. We take care of clients from all over the world – mostly USA, Canada, Australia and EU countries but we also work with Indians, Saudi Arabians, Koreans, Russians, Mexicans and many others. Please find a selection of companies we work with below. Testimonials of our private clients can be found on our Home page, our Facebook page or on the most popular site for expats living in Prague – expats.cz
TEFL in Prague by EDUA Group
TEFL in Prague offers highly practical 4-week TEFL courses including 120 hours of in-class sessions, 8 teaching practice lessons and observations of experienced EFL teachers. The course is internationally recognized and accredited. Successful graduates are offered a job within EDUA Group, of which TEFL in Prague is a member. For more information visit TEFL in Prague’s
website. Read what people from TEFL in Prague say about our services
Get qualified to teach English as a foreign language in only 4 weeks with Oxford TEFL, the only provider of the Trinity CertTESOL in the Czech Republic. We have a world class team of trainers and offer visa and career support. Visit our
website or our school in the hearth of Old Town. Read what people from Oxford TEFL say about our services
Hello Academies by Smaller Earth
ČeskoTurecko / ÇekTürk
ČeskoTurecko / ÇekTürk is the biggest Czech – Turkish community that connects the Czech Republic and Turkey in terms of business, culture and social activities. As experts in international trade, we are able to provide professional services in the Czech Republic and Turkey, for both businesses and individuals. Our main advantages include knowledge of languages as native speakers, know-how for both markets, our huge contact network and valuable experiences in bridging the barrier between the two nations. Read what people from ČeskoTurecko/CekTürk say about our services
Do you want to be our clients too? Fill in the form on the right, go to Our services section of this website to find out more about what we can offer or go to Contacts to get in touch with us. We will be happy to hear from you anytime! We speak fluent Czech, English and Russian but we can cope with other languages too 🙂