

Pracovní vízum – co to je a jak ho získat

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Hned na úvod článku o pracovním vízu musíme předestřít, že termín “pracovní vízum” v českém imigračním právu neexistuje. Pokud se chce cizinec přestěhovat do České republiky za prací, má nicméně několik různých možností. Postupně si je v tomto článku projdeme všechny. Zaměstnání cizince vs podnikání cizince Než se pustíme dál, je třeba si říci, že

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At Move To Prague relocation experts, we help about 1 000 foreigners a year to start their new life in the Czech Republic. We help them with visas, accommodation, health insurance, nostrifications and much more. We have worked with more than 100 different nationalities. For this year we decided to team up with the Third

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Students, Visa

Nostrification of your Foreign Diploma in the Czech Republic | Recognition of your diploma

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The article below is a summary of a video of one of Move To Prague’s Founders about the Nostirification of Foreign Diplomas for use in the Czech Republic. Nostrification in the Czech Republic/ Recognition on foreign diploma The video  discusses the process of nostrification or recognition of foreign diplomas in the Czech Republic. Nostrification is

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Extension, Visa

Czech Republic Visa Extension

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In this article, we explain everything related to extending your stay in the Czech Republic as a non-EU citizen. From Visa Extensions, to Residence Permit Extensions to switching from a Long-Term Visa to a Long-Term Residence Permit. Visa Extensions Technically speaking, the term visa extension refers to the extension of a long term visa. Because

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