
Blog, Visa

Invitation Letter Czech Republic

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Invitation Letter is an official document issued by the Czech Foreign Police, saying that one person (the inviting person already living in the Czech Republic legally) will take complete responsibility for the invited person (non-EU citizen who wants to visit the Czech Republic). This Invitation Letter can then be used for a short-term/long-term visa application

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Rodne Cislo – What it is and how to get it

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The mysterious Rodne Cislo! Everyone talks about it but no one really knows what it is exactly, what it is needed for and how to get it. Luckily for you, you have got to this post and you’ll know everything about Rodne Cislo real soon – just keep reading! What is Rodne Cislo – technically

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Blog, Visa

3 Tips to Extend Your Visa Smoothly

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Getting your first visa is usually the tough part. Extending it can be equally tough though, especially if you put yourself under unnecessary stress. This short article will give provide you with 3 pro tips to make sure your visa or residence permit is extended as smoothly as possible. 1. Start enough in advance This

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